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If you are a believer and feel God is leading you to join us for a year, please contact us. Discipleship was Jesus’ method to build radical Christians; Christians who turned the world upside down. We want to do the same. While traveling with us you will not only learn the Word of God and get a prayer life but you will also receive hands on training as you help us to further God’s glorious kingdom. As a group we will serve Churches, and hit the streets to reach the lost. If you are interested, please contact me, Jonathan, and I will send you an application, along with the requirements of the ministry and what to expect while with us.



Reaching the lost was the very reason the Son of Man came to earth (Matthew 18:11), and we want to equip believers to do the same. We want to simply put Biblical tools in the hands of Christians (Ephesians 4:12) so that they are better equipped to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). We will present many different ways that people can serve Jesus so that every person can have a purpose in God’s kingdom. We can teach for a few nights, or we can present an 8 session course; whether it is held in the Church or in people’s homes. Not only will we instruct, but we will also take you to the streets and serve others with you.


God has laid a heavy burden on our heart to speak to the Churches in our nation. We believe that if God has given us the burden, He will also give us the platform, and He does. We are willing to come speak at any Church that invites us, regardless of denomination. Our agenda is not hidden, but is to wake up our Churches, to set people’s eyes onto eternal things, and to build up the body of Christ. We love the Church and desire to see her produce much fruit for Christ and to burn with a love for Him. We charge nothing, but rather we have something to give to God’s people. We trust the Lord to be our Provider.


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